40 Illustrations That Show What Long-Term Relationships Are Really Like

11. You Make Brushing Our Teeth Fun

When you are dating the right person, any activity can be made fun, even when you are just brushing your teeth. You can find little ways to make your days more exciting with someone who makes you laugh in any situation, especially when they have toothpaste all over their mouth. 

You Make Brushing Our Teeth Fun

Amanda Oleander

If you enjoy even the most mundane activities with your partner, you know they are the perfect match. When you love someone, every day is a new adventure that you are excited to take. 

12. The Best Airplane Buddy

We are all missing the feeling of getting on a plane and taking off for an adventure with our partners. The best thing about traveling with your significant other is that you always have someone to use as a headrest on the plane. 

The Best Airplane Buddy

Amanda Oleander

When you travel alone, you have to be aware to not fall asleep on the stranger next to you, but a significant other will gladly lend their shoulder. It is also exciting to travel with your boyfriend or girlfriend because you are creating special memories. 

13. “Pay Attention To Me!”

When you finally get a chance to relax with your boyfriend, and all he wants to do is watch videos. At that moment, your regret showing him tall your favorite creators because he is officially addicted, and “one more video” turns into three more hours. 

"Pay Attention To Me!"

Amanda Oleander

In relationships, you have to pick and choose your battles. Therefore, you might as well snuggle up and join him because there is no way he is getting out of the rabbit hole of that video app. At least he is just watching stupid videos instead of being sneaky. 

14. We Grow Together

Relationships are all about give and take. Sometimes, your partner might need more love, help, time, or something else, and you give more of yourself to help their needs. There will be other times when the roles are reversed, and you do the same for them. 

We Grow Together

Amanda Oleander

It will be an equal balance most of the time, but there are situations when one person has to pick up the slack. It could be something small like doing the dishes or cooking dinner, but those things won’t go unnoticed when you need that help in return. 

15. “Now I’ll Have Proof That He Snores”

When you fall asleep, make sure to hide all the camera phones so your significant other can’t sneak a funny picture of you or prove that you snore. It is hard to fall asleep and look good at the same time, but that doesn’t mean you should skip naps. 

"Now I'll Have Proof That He Snores"

Amanda Oleander

You might be snoring, drooling, or your face is smashed into a weird position. You can’t help that you look funny. Who knows where that picture will go. At the next family function, you might hear about the time you drooled all over during a nap because your partner sent a photo to the group chat. 

16. Wife And Personal Hairdresser

While everyone has been stuck at home, and businesses are closed, people are taking on different roles at home, like becoming a hairdresser. If you cut your partner’s hair during quarantine, it is a big honor because they trust you with their precious locks. 

Wife And Personal Hairdresser

Amanda Oleander

It might be the first time you have used a clipper or a pair of haircutting scissors, but the good thing is that it’s just hair, and it will grow back. Even if you mess up their hair, they can’t blame you because they consented to this haircut. 

17. A Hairy Situation

When you have long hair and try to spoon with someone, it can be a bit tricky to figure out where to put all your hair. The big spoon always ends up with a face-full of hair. Even if you put it in a ponytail or bun, it is still in their face, and it is a never-ending battle. 

A Hairy Situation

Amanda Oleander

Then they try to re-position, and your hair gets caught under their elbow. You cry out in pain because it feels like they are ripping your hair out. At some point, they just accept your hair covering their face. Unless they expect you to shave your head, this is their life now. 

18. Making The Big Move

Deciding to move in together is a huge step in any relationship, but it is an exciting milestone. It is just a reminder that your relationship is moving in the right direction, and you love the person so much that you don’t want to spend a day without them. 

Making The Big Move

Amanda Oleander

Living with your partner is something everyone looks forward to because you never really know someone until you share a home with them. It is also fun because you can combine your design styles and make the house or apartment a home for both of you. 

19. Prickly Legs And Not A Care In The World

Whenever we shave our legs, there is a day or two (if we are lucky) that our legs feel smooth, and then the prickly stage starts happening. Anyone who touches our legs during that phase feels like they are rubbing their hand on a cactus. 

Prickly Legs And Not A Care In The World

Amanda Oleander

It’s easier with a partner because they eventually get used to the cactus legs phase. The second day of the stubble is always the sharpest, so make sure to warn your partner before you start rubbing your legs against them. 

20. Long-Distance Love

Long-distance relationships are complicated, no matter what anyone says. If you and your partner can survive long-distance, you can get through anything together because it is so challenging to be away from the person you love the most. 

Long-Distance Love

Amanda Oleander

If you put in the time and effort to make an LDR work, it is so worth it. Although, nothing is more challenging than only being able to see your significant other through a screen when all you want to do is reach through and give them the tightest hug in the world.