“AITA for Not Wanting to Attend My Best Friend’s Wedding Because of Her Groom?”


In this situation, the decision not to attend the wedding due to discomfort with the groom, John, raises complex emotional and ethical considerations. The 23-year-old woman, whose best friend Emily is getting married, has a strained relationship with John, Emily’s fiancé. Their interactions have been marked by John’s dismissive and hurtful behavior towards her, culminating in a recent incident where he made a derogatory comment about her career.


Despite attempting to tolerate John’s behavior for Emily’s sake, the woman feels increasingly stressed and anxious in his presence. This tension reached a breaking point when she confronted John about his remarks during a dinner, which left her feeling humiliated. Subsequently, she has been avoiding social gatherings where John is present, finding it difficult to maintain a facade of normalcy.

Given the upcoming wedding, the woman expressed to Emily her hesitancy to attend due to her discomfort around John. Emily was deeply hurt by this revelation, emphasizing that as her best friend and maid of honor, the woman’s presence is crucial for her on this significant occasion. Emily also voiced concerns about potential social repercussions if her closest friend didn’t attend her wedding.

The woman is torn between her loyalty to Emily and her need to prioritize her own mental health. She acknowledges the rift among their mutual friends, with some sympathizing with her decision while others view it as selfish and dismissive of Emily’s feelings. The conflict underscores the difficult balance between personal boundaries and social obligations, especially in close friendships and significant life events like weddings.

In weighing her options, the woman grapples with the guilt of potentially disappointing Emily while also recognizing the validity of her own emotional distress caused by John’s behavior. Ultimately, her decision hinges on navigating the delicate dynamics of friendship and self-care, where both her own well-being and her support for Emily are essential considerations in finding a resolution to this challenging situation.

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