AITA for still having my 10 (almost 11) year old daughter in a booster seat?


In this scenario, a 31-year-old mother is grappling with the decision to keep her almost 11-year-old daughter in a booster seat due to concerns about safety, despite her daughter’s objections. The mother, supported by her husband, believes strongly in car seat safety guidelines and insists on the booster seat to ensure her daughter’s safety, even though her daughter feels embarrassed and frustrated by it, especially as none of her peers still use one.


Tensions escalated when the daughter refused to sit in the booster seat, leading to a standoff where the mother insisted they wouldn’t proceed until she complied. Eventually, the daughter relented, but she continues to voice her displeasure about using the booster seat.

The family dynamics are further complicated by the son, who sides with his sister, believing she should be allowed to ride with just a seatbelt like her friends. He sees his mother’s insistence as overprotective and potentially damaging to his sister’s self-esteem.

Reflecting on the situation, the mother is torn between her commitment to safety and her daughter’s social and emotional development. She acknowledges the impact of peer pressure and wants to find a balance that ensures safety without alienating her daughter or causing unnecessary friction within the family.

As the story unfolds, the mother recognizes the need to have a thoughtful conversation with both her daughter and son to address their concerns and perhaps find a compromise that satisfies safety requirements while respecting her daughter’s growing need for independence and peer acceptance.

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thevoodooclam writes:


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