Fashion Trends That Need To Be Left In The Past


Every year, we see new fashion trends pop up, and a lot of them are inspired by styles from the past. Recently, trends from the 1980s and 1990s have made a big comeback—think biker shorts and chunky dad sneakers. It’s kind of fun to see how styles come around again, but let’s be real: not every trend deserves a revival.


Take super low-rise jeans, for example. Remember when everyone wore those? They were a huge thing back in the day, but they’re also pretty notorious for being uncomfortable. And let’s not even get started on layered shirts and those quirky skirts that seemed like a good idea at the time. Sure, some people can pull them off, but they really are best left in the past.

At the end of the day, fashion is all about personal choice, and we all get to decide what we want to wear. But let’s just say that some of those trends might haunt our memories for a while! It’s interesting to think about how styles change and what we choose to bring back. What do you think—are there any trends you’d like to see come back, or do you think some should just stay gone?

1. Frosted Tips


Steve Eichner/Getty Images

Back in the mid to late ’90s, a lot of young boys wanted to look like their favorite boyband stars, especially guys like Justin Timberlake. One of the most popular trends was the frosted tips hairstyle. It was all the rage, and boys everywhere were trying to replicate that cool look.

But here’s the thing: if they openly admitted to loving boy bands, that could lead to some teasing. So, it was kind of a tricky situation. To get those frosted tips, they’d use bleach and a highlighting cap, and let’s just say the results often resembled something like ramen noodles! At the time, though, it felt totally on-trend and stylish.

Now, looking back, that hairstyle might bring a mix of nostalgia and embarrassment for Justin Timberlake and many teens from that era. It’s funny how trends come and go, but those frosted tips definitely left a mark on the ’90s style landscape! What do you think—would you rock that look today, or is it better left in the past?

2. Hammer Pants



“Stop! Hammer time!” might bring back memories of the early ’90s, but let’s be honest: those oversized pants, known as Hammer pants, were not the best fashion choice. Even MC Hammer himself had a tough time pulling them off, despite starting the whole trend in his iconic music video for “U Can’t Touch This.”

These trousers, often made from tough nylon, featured a super low crotch and were primarily designed for break dancing. While they were durable for that purpose, wearing them in everyday life was a different story. They just didn’t translate well outside the dance floor, and most people viewed them as a fashion disaster.

It’s funny to think about how some trends try to make a comeback, but anyone hoping to revive Hammer pants is probably dreaming. They’re best left in the past, a quirky reminder of a unique era in fashion. What do you think—are there any trends from that time that you wouldn’t mind seeing come back, or do you think some should just stay gone for good?

3. Transparent Colored Sunglasses And Arm Warmers


The transparent eyewear trend first popped up in the 1970s and made a big comeback in the 1990s and early 2000s. It’s interesting to see how fashion trends come and go, often cycling back into style after a few years. Paris Hilton was a huge fan of this look during that time, often sporting arm warmers. I mean, why bother with a full jacket or a long-sleeved shirt when you could just wear a couple of arm warmers, right?

While it might have seemed like a fun idea back then, both transparent glasses and arm warmers didn’t age particularly well. Looking back, it’s hard to believe they were ever considered fashionable. Even though Paris could pull off just about any look, we’re really glad those two styles have faded into the past. Hopefully, she’s moved on from them too! What do you think—are there any trends you miss, or are you just as relieved to see some of them go?

4. Overly Straightened And Oddly Colored Scene Hair


LOOKBOOK via Pinterest

Ah, the 2000s! A time when scene kids really knew how to make a statement with their hair—though “make a statement” might be a nice way of saying “let’s intentionally destroy it!” Girls would crank up the heat on their styling tools, turning their locks into a frizzy masterpiece, then throw in some vibrant neon colors for good measure. Because why not rock a rainbow on your head, right?

These hairstyles were practically made for MySpace profile pics, perfectly capturing that punk vibe everyone was going for. To complete the look, scene kids would pair their wild hair with a classic band t-shirt, a studded belt, and some skinny jeans—because what’s a scene outfit without a little edge?

It’s amusing to think about how this look was all the rage back then. Who knew that looking like you just rolled out of a hairdryer explosion could be so trendy? But hey, we all have those moments in fashion that make us laugh in hindsight. What do you think—would you ever rock a scene hairstyle again, or is that look best left in the past?

5. Fashion Corsets


Corsets have had quite the journey in the fashion world! They were all the rage in the 1800s, making a big comeback in the 2000s, too. But let’s be real: these compression garments are notorious for being restrictive. They can limit blood flow, displace organs, and cause all sorts of discomfort. Just thinking about it makes me cringe!

Kelly Clarkson was known for rocking corsets during her performances, and I can’t help but wonder how she managed to breathe, sing, and move on stage while squeezed into one of those things! It’s impressive, but it also sounds like a recipe for trouble.

Looking back, it seems like corsets belong more in a history book than in today’s wardrobe. I think most of us would agree that comfort should be a priority when it comes to fashion. So, let’s leave the corsets in the past and embrace styles that let us breathe a little easier! What do you think—are there any past trends you think we should bring back, or should we just focus on comfort from here on out?

6. Visible Underwear


Donald Miralle/Getty Image

Gwen Stefani really has a knack for making bold fashion choices, doesn’t she? While most of us would feel embarrassed if our undergarments peeked out, she turned that into a whole trend! It’s as if she said, “Why not wear your underwear on the outside?” Whether it was all about empowerment or just a happy accident, it definitely caught everyone’s attention.

That said, as fun as it was to watch her rock those looks, I think we can all agree that we’re not ready for that trend to come back. It’s one thing to have a little peekaboo moment, but turning your undies into a statement piece? That’s a bit much for most of us!

And honestly, if you’re going to invest in eye-catching underwear, it feels like it should stay hidden—like a little secret that only you know about. So let’s hope this trend remains a thing of the past! What do you think—are there any other quirky trends you’d want to keep away for good?

7. Oversized Leather Sport Coats


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Ah, the influence of The Matrix! It really sparked some interesting fashion choices, especially with those long leather trenchcoats. Many male performers and singers jumped on the bandwagon, strutting around in these oversized coats that often looked like they borrowed them from their dads. Seriously, it was as if they were trying to channel some sort of futuristic superhero vibe, but instead, they just ended up looking a bit awkward!

And let’s not forget the sport coat version—it was just as confusing. Those coats were usually way too big, making it seem like they were swimming in fabric. It’s nice to see that over time, people have figured out how to choose clothes that actually fit their bodies, leaving that trend behind in the ’90s where it belongs.

Now, it’s all about finding styles that flatter and feel good. So, while the trenchcoat might have been a cool look in theory, we’re definitely glad to see it go! What about you—are there any other trends you’re happy to see disappear, or any that you think could make a comeback?

8. Ultra Short Pleated Skirts


Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Pleated skirts have definitely made a comeback lately, but let’s be real: they had their moments in the past that were pretty questionable. Those tiny skirts didn’t leave much to the imagination, that’s for sure! While we totally support body positivity and the idea that everyone should wear what makes them feel good, there’s something to be said for dressing a bit more modestly.

Remember when Nicole Richie showed up on a talk show, and it felt like her skirt was barely doing its job? It’s moments like that that make you appreciate a little more coverage!

It’s great to see people gravitating toward styles that are both stylish and comfortable these days. Fashion should empower us, not make us worry about our skirts! What do you think—are there any other trends that you’re glad to see fade away, or do you think some could make a comeback with a twist?

9. Oversized Sunglasses



Have your parents ever jokingly called you “bug eyes” because you wore those oversized sunglasses that covered half your face? It’s a classic look that celebrities like Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, and the Kardashian sisters totally made famous. Back in the 2000s, these giant shades were a go-to for stars trying to hide from paparazzi, but before we knew it, everyone was rocking that same look.

While oversized sunglasses have their charm, it’s nice to see that eyewear trends have evolved since then. Nowadays, we have styles that not only look great but also fit better and feel more comfortable. It’s all about finding the right balance between fashion and function!

So, while we can appreciate the oversized shades for their moment in the spotlight, it’s probably best to leave them in the past for now. What do you think—are there any other trends you remember that you’re glad have changed over the years?

10. Short-Sleeves Layered Over Long-Sleeves


The layering trend in the ’90s and 2000s was something else, wasn’t it? Celebrities seemed to love piling on clothes, even in the summer heat! It’s honestly a mystery how they managed to stay cool—talk about a sweat challenge! Jennifer Aniston definitely made it work, but that doesn’t mean we have to embrace it ourselves.

Sure, layering can be super practical during those tricky transitional seasons when you’re not quite sure what the weather will do. But let’s be real: layering a t-shirt under a long-sleeve shirt? Not the best look anymore!

And who could forget Rachel Green’s iconic style? That layered look definitely helped her character stand out, not to mention boosted her wardrobe budget on the show! At the end of the day, some trends are better left in the past. What do you think—are there any other styles from that time that you think we should just let go of?