A young Chinese doctor who has just graduated

A younger Chinese language physician who has simply graduated can not discover work both in hospitals or in non-public clinics.

He then decides to open his personal studio and as an commercial he scatters the realm with flyers stating that he solves all the issues of ailments for under 20 euros,

and if he isn’t in a position to take action, he’ll give 100 euros to the dissatisfied affected person.

An unscrupulous lawyer reads the flyer and plans to border him with false sicknesses and simply earn the 100 euros. He introduces himself and says,

“Physician, I can’t style the flavors anymore. I’m determined.”
“Don’t fear, we’ll type all of it out. Nurse, shelf N. 20, vial quantity 5”. 

The physician breaks the vial and pours it on the lawyer’s tongue.
“… However that is gasoline “

“See! He purchased it the style of sapoli: 20 eulo !!”.
The indignant lawyer pays, however meditates revenge and so the subsequent day he goes again to the Chinese language physician.

“Physician, I’ve misplaced my reminiscence, I can’t bear in mind something anymore!

“However that’s yesterday’s petrol!”
“See! You acquire the reminiscence: 20 eulos!!”.

The lawyer is livid, pays, racks his mind and research a harder one. The following day he goes again to the Chinese language physician.
” Physician, I’ve misplaced my sight! I can’t see something anymore! Assist me!

“However these are 20 euros,” says the lawyer.
“You acquire him his eyesight: 20 euros!!”.