Funny (adult) Joke: I bet you $50 I can make that horse laugh

?? THE JOKE ??
A person walks as much as an previous cowboy close to the corral and says,

“You see that horse over there? I wager you $50 I could make him snigger.”

The previous cowboy says, “No means you possibly can, associate. My horse is as bitter as a rotten lemon. I’ll take your wager!”

So, the person walks over to the horse and whispers in its ear.

The horse snickers, then proceeds to snigger uncontrollably.

The cowboy is in shocked disbelief.

The person walks again to the cowboy and says, “Double or nothing I could make him cry?”

The previous cowboy is relieved at an opportunity to get his a refund.

He says, “My horse is as powerful as en elephant. You’ll by no means make him cry. I’ll take your wager!”

The person walks to the horse together with his again turned to the cowboy.

After just a few moments, the horse lets out an audible sobbing sound, jumps the fence and gallops off.

The cowboy is gobsmacked.

The previous cowboy pays the person his cash.

He says, “Earlier than you go, associate. I have to know, what the heck did you do to my horse?”

The person says, “Properly, to make him snigger, I instructed him that my dong was larger than his.”

“I can perceive how that’d make him snigger,” stated the previous cowboy,…

“However what did you do to make him cry?”

The person zips his fly up, and says,…

“I proved it.”

? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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