Funny Humor: The man explains his “gorilla hunting technique” to his friend

A person goes off to Africa gorilla searching with a hunter buddy.


They go away within the morning with handcuffs, a vicious wanting canine, and a rifle.


Upon arriving to a tree the place a gorilla is perched, the hunter tells his buddy his approach,…


“I’ll go up that tree stealthily, like a ninja, and push the gorilla off his department.  As quickly as he hits the bottom, the canine will chunk him on the balls in an iron vice like grip.  When the gorilla raises his palms to hit the canine, that’s if you cuff him and he’ll be captured.”


His buddy says, “OK, however what’s the rifle for then?”


To which the hunter solutions,…


“If the gorilla manages to push me out of the tree – shoot the canine!”