Funny Joke ‣ Quarantine | Satibal

Funny Joke Quarantine 1 - Funny Joke ‣ Quarantine

A person wakes up and finds himself mendacity alone in a hospital room.

He has no recollection of how he bought there. Whereas pondering it, his bedside cellphone rings, and he solutions it.

A physician on the opposite finish identifies himself, and tells the person: “I’ve actually dangerous information. You’re very sick.

After your collapse yesterday, we ordered a number of exams, and bought the outcomes again this morning. I’m afraid you’ve Avian flu, Ebola, and also you’re constructive for HIV and hepatitis.”

Surprised, the person asks, “Effectively, what’s subsequent!? What are you going to do?”

The doc replies: “Effectively, for starters, we’re placing you on a strict weight loss plan of solely pizza.”

The affected person asks: “Will that actually assist me, physician?”

“No”, the doc responds. “However it’s all we are able to match below the door.”