Funny Joke ‣ Statistics | Satibal

Funny Joke Statistics 1 - Funny Joke ‣ Statistics

Two statisticians had been travelling in an airplane from LA to New York.

About an hour into the flight, the pilot introduced that that they had misplaced an engine, however don’t fear, there are three left.

Nonetheless, as an alternative of 5 hours it will take 7 hours to get to New York.

A bit later, he introduced {that a} second engine failed, they usually nonetheless had two left, however it will take 10 hours to get to New York.

Considerably later, the pilot once more got here on the intercom and introduced {that a} third engine had died.

By no means concern, he introduced, as a result of the aircraft may fly on a single engine.

Nonetheless, it will now take 18 hours to get to new York.

At this level, one statistician turned to the opposite and mentioned, “Gee, I hope we don’t lose that final engine, or we’ll be up right here ceaselessly!”