Funny Joke The Sign | Satibal

Funny Joke The Sign 1 - Funny Joke The Sign

Two younger, entrepreneurial prostitutes have been driving round city.

Their automobile had an indication on prime that learn: “Two Prostitutes – $50.00.”

A police officer, seeing the signal, pulled the women over and suggested that they must take away the signal or go to jail.

Proper about that point a minivan handed by with an indication on the facet of it that learn: “Jesus Saves.”

“How come you don’t cease them?” requested one of many women.

“Nicely, that’s a bit of totally different,” the officer replied… “their signal pertains to faith.”

The 2 women of the night time pouted a bit, however they took their signal down and drove off peacefully.

The next night the identical police officer was operating radar when he seen the identical two younger women driving round with one other signal on their automobile.

Figuring he had a simple arrest, he flipped his lights on and started to catch up when he seen what the brand new signal learn:

“Two Fallen Angels In search of Peter – $50.00.”