John Jarndyce and Mrs Jellyby are characters from which Charles Dickens novel?

Bleak Home.

John Jarndyce and Mrs. Jellyby are characters from the celebrated novel “Bleak Home” by Charles Dickens. Revealed in installments between 1852 and 1853, “Bleak Home” is understood for its critique of the English judicial system and its intricate plot involving quite a few characters and subplots.

John Jarndyce is a central determine within the narrative. He’s a benevolent and rich man who turns into the guardian of the novel’s major protagonists, Esther Summerson, Richard Carstone, and Ada Clare. These three are potential beneficiaries of a long-standing and complex courtroom case, “Jarndyce vs Jarndyce,” associated to a disputed inheritance. John Jarndyce, himself a possible inheritor, is weary of the courtroom proceedings and tries to protect his wards from its corrupting affect.

Mrs. Jellyby, however, represents Dickens’s critique of misguided philanthropy. She is a “telescopic philanthropist” who’s so dedicated to her charitable work in Africa that she neglects her family, permitting her house and youngsters to descend into chaos. She symbolizes the paradox of being so centered on distant issues that one’s instant duties are ignored.

“Bleak Home” makes use of these characters, and others, to offer a scathing critique of Victorian society’s flaws and inconsistencies, showcasing Dickens’s acerbic wit and his capability for social commentary. The novel stays one in all his most advanced, mature, and revered works.