
Oops! The Funniest Christmas Design Fails of All Time

Don’t Do It Santa

During the Christmas season, it is not appropriate to encourage individuals to engage in self-harm by suggesting they leap off a bridge. Nevertheless, it seems that this Santa decoration is precisely fulfilling that role. Although we understand that it was unintentional, the city’s choice of location for this display may have been more carefully considered, as it may not have been the most suitable position. From the perspective of someone driving by, this figure may easily be mistaken for an actual human being.

Don't Do It Santa

We sincerely hope that no accidents occurred as a result of anybody needing to take a second look after briefly looking up at this sign. It is desirable that next year, this municipality chooses to display Santa either in the park or at the base of a structure.

That’s Not How Syrup Is Made, Kids

Although this menu may possess a humorous quality, it is unlikely that it significantly influenced people to choose pancakes as their order. After witnessing this, we would likely opt for an alternative selection from the menu. While we understand that syrup is not produced every time Santa urinates, it nevertheless discourages us from eating pancakes. However, it is possible that some individuals valued the humor of the joke to such an extent that they decided to order the pancakes, suggesting that the intentional creation of this situation was intentional.

That's Not Where Syrup Comes From Kids

The business owner undoubtedly paid close attention when they conceptualized or observed their newly designed menus displayed on numerous tables. We cannot fathom the personnel neglecting to mention it.

Santa Steals Souls

Based on the photo, it is challenging to determine whether this is a large-scale artwork or a small Christmas card. However, it is undeniably eerie in either case. Curiously, Santa’s beard is adorned with the countenances of children. Compounding the situation, every child exhibits a pallid complexion reminiscent of apparitions, suggesting that they may well be the spirits of deceased children. Indeed, this would elucidate the mechanism by which he energizes his sleigh and traverses the globe inside a single night.

Santa Steals Souls

It would also serve as an adequate basis for a horror film, which we are confident was not the intention of the artist who created this image.


Santaur: Santa from a Parallel Univers

Santaur appears to have been designed to be precisely what he is, in contrast to some of the other horrible Christmas decorations on this list. Now, the motivation behind the creation of a Santa Claus that is half-human, half-horse is a mystery. Nevertheless, it is somewhat amusing and cunning to observe. Additionally, Santuar could serve as a character in an animated series such as Rick and Morty.

Santaur Is Santa From A Parallel Universe

However, it is unlikely that we would choose to display Santaur on our Christmas tree or purchase and place him alongside our other Christmas ornaments. It would generate a significant number of inquiries among the children.

Reese’s Needs To Step Its Game Up

For those who are not acquainted, Reese’s introduces limited edition cups in the form of Christmas trees every year during the holiday season. During Easter, the firm also produces egg-shaped items. It appears that, somehow, the person who captured this photograph acquired an egg during the Christmas season. We would not be expressing dissatisfaction because they essentially have a similar flavor (which is to say they both have an exceptional taste), but it would still likely be a minor disappointment.

Reese's Needs To Step Its Game Up

Also, it’s puzzling how this happened, because their chocolate eggs aren’t made until around four months after Christmas. We really hope this wasn’t just a repackaged version of a cup from the previous year.

Happy Holidays?

Most Christmas decorations are designed to exude an air of cheerfulness and joy. But this angel in the shot seems like it’s seen better times. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a flaw, so I’m assuming that all of the decorations from this line will look exactly like this one. Even if it’s not the worst ornament here, no one wants an angel that appears to be recovering from a three-day bender adorning their tree.

Happy Holidays?

Alternatively, purchasing it solely to observe the recipient’s reaction upon unwrapping could serve as an amusing novelty present.

Santa’s Famous Catchphrase

This minor holiday error is very endearing (especially when contrasted with some of the other errors included in this list). It appears that an error was made in the text on this gift bag’s covering, since it should read “Ho Ho Ho” instead of “Oh Oh Oh”. It does not signify a catastrophic event, but rather adds a touch of distinctiveness and humor to the gift bag, distinguishing it from others that typically bear the common slogan.

Santa's Famous Catchphrase

Encountering a defective bag or Christmas card is a rare occurrence, making it valuable to retain and reuse, unlike many other gift bags.

A Crime Scene Candle

It took us a few moment to comprehend the content of this photograph, but it was indeed a candle. However, the creator of this object seemingly did not carefully consider the design, as it resembles a representation of a crime scene due to the abundance of red wax at the bottom. The cheerful candle rapidly transformed into a more ominous one within a few seconds of our observation.

A Crime Scene Candle

One easy thing that could have been done is to change the candle’s color to something else. Even if it had been green, it would have looked better than this scene.

Something Here Doesn’t Belong

We thought everyone knew that reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh, but it turns out they didn’t. This store chose to use chocolate bunnies instead of reindeer for some reason. They might have been trying to get rid of some stock and thought no one would notice, or they might have been sent this. Either way, it makes for a strange show. The worst part is that the package says “reindeer” on it.

Something Here Doesn't Belong

Nevertheless, similar to other unsuccessful holiday confections mentioned, we are confident that substituting reindeer for rabbits will not result in any discernible variation in flavor.