The priest leaned closer to hear the girl

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The priest leaned nearer to listen to the lady’s confession.

“So me and my cousin have been alone in the home,” she continued, “and went as much as my bed room…”

“Go on, my youngster,” mentioned the priest gently.

“I lay down on the mattress and Joe received on prime of me and put his hand on my….on my…”

“Go on.”

“On my non-public half,” stammered the lady, blushing behind the display.

“And touched me and touched me till I couldn’t assist myself.”

“Sure, go on,” the priest directed.

“I pulled down his pants and his weapon popped out, stiff and tall,” the lady went on, with just a little whimper of disgrace, “and he started to shove it in me so onerous…”

“Sure, sure… Go on,” he urged, respiration onerous.

“After which we heard the entrance door slam…”

“Oh, shit!!