30+ Celebrities Who Surprised Their Fans By Hilariously Trolling Them
21. Who Is More Stealth: Jake Gyllenhaal Or This Couple?
We aren’t sure if this couple meant to take a picture with Jake Gyllenhall in the background, or they were taking a regular selfie, and he photobombed them. Either way, it is so funny how his head fits perfectly between the gap in theirs. It is hard to tell if he is happy or not that he got spotted in the restaurant.

Imagine if you were trying to take a sneaky photo with a celebrity in the background and the flash went off; that would be a dead giveaway. Based on Gyllenhall’s face, we are going to say it was not a photobomb, but the couple was very stealth about their picture.
22. Michael Rooker Surprised Fans In Starbucks
Michael Rooker plays Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy (one and two). Spoiler alert: he dies in the second movie before the crew comes into contact with the Avengers for Infinity War. He went to his local Starbucks for coffee and met a few fans along the way while wearing an Infinity War hat.

The people were so excited to meet him, and when they saw his hat, they started speculating that he would make an appearance in the new movie. Unfortunately, Yondu won’t make a return, but the hat did throw some people off. Rooker posted these photos to his Instagram, and he seems like someone who enjoys fan interaction.
23. Adam Savage Wore A Disguise To Comic Con
Adam Savage is best known for his part on the hit Discovery Channel show, Mythbusters. When he attended Comic-Con, he wanted to enjoy the convention without being recognized, so he wore three disguises that really covered up his identity. You would never know it was him if you walked past.

Sometimes celebrities just want to enjoy conventions and not have to worry about taking pictures or signing autographs. Many of Savage’s fans met him without even knowing it that day. They probably treated him like any other fellow convention-goer and didn’t get the chance to snap his picture.
24. Someone Sent Fan Mail To Tom Hanks And This Was His Response
Tom Hanks has clearly shown that he is a celebrity who enjoys meeting and speaking with his fans. One person sent him a fan letter and did not expect him to respond. However, he sent a personalized message with a photo to top it off.

Hanks said that he would have included a headshot, but all of his are outdated. As one of the most well-known celebrities in Hollywood, we can assume he no longer needs those. He also signed the polaroid and made sure to include the fan in the photo. Tom Hanks is so awesome.
25. She Didn’t Know Matt Garza Was Right Behind Her
This girl is a huge fan of the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team, so when she got tickets to the game above the dugout, she was so excited. She had to snap some photos of her right next to the field, but she didn’t expect a special photobomb from one of the players.

Matt Garza is a pitcher for the Brewers, and he popped up out of the dugout just in time for the photo. This girl was probably so pumped to have one of the players in her picture. It would have been funny if she didn’t realize he was there the entire time and only found out when she looked at the image.
26. Mark Hamill Pulled Off This Epic Surprise For Star Wars Fans
Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movies, and he did this special project to surprise fans. These people were told they were going to read some lines from the movie, and they would be put into a scene using the green screen. Little did they know that there was someone special waiting behind the scenes.

At the perfect moment, Hamill walked up behind them and surprised the unknowing super fans. Many people were in shock that Luke was there in person. From confusion to pure joy, all emotions were felt when he walked out from behind the green screen. Hamill really pulled one over on those fans.
27. Maisie Williams Gave This Boy The Best Selfie Of His Life
Maisie Williams is known for her role as Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, and she has so many adoring fans. This guy happened to be in the right place at the right time when he took a selfie, beacause Maisie happened to be in the background.

Whether he did it on purpose or not, this boy can now show all his friends that he got a photo with Maisie Williams. That has got to earn him some bragging rights amongst his pals.
28. John Krasinski Wanted To Be In Their Selfie
When you spot John Krasinski out in public, you have to take a photo of him. He is one of the most hilarious men, and he might even make a signature “Jim Face” if he realizes you are taking the picture.

These two men were at a Red Socks game when they realized who was sitting two rows behind them. Obviously, as big fans of The Office, they had to get a photo op with one of the most popular characters. Luckily John didn’t care, and he looked in the right direction for the pic.
29. Yes, The Queen Of England Can Photobomb Just Like Everyone Else
This has to be a once in a lifetime photobomb for Queen Elizabeth II. It is probably rare that the queen plays pranks and jokes around, so when these two women were taking a selfie, the queen decided to smile for the photo as she was standing in the background.

We can’t imagine the queen being much of a jokester, and it is rare to see her smiling, so this was a double whammy. She seems to be in good spirits here because this was taken before all the Meghan and Harry drama sent her into a tizzy.
30. Prince Harry Made This Photo Of Winnie Harlow Ten Times Better
Unlike his grandmother, Prince Harry is known for being a jokester and loves acting silly for the cameras, when it is appropriate of course. When Winnie Harlow and her agent were out to dinner, they noticed Harry sitting behind them and tried to sneak a picture.

Luckily, Prince Harry noticed them taking a photo, so he got in on the fun. It wouldn’t have been as good of a picture if he didn’t know it was being shot. Also, for someone who is friends with high profile celebrities, it is funny to see how starstruck Winnie Harlow and her agent are by the sight of Prince Harry.