40 Illustrations That Show What Long-Term Relationships Are Really Like

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the carriage. While being in a relationship is a beautiful thing; no one talks about those moments of love when no one is watching. From popping your partner’s pimples to finding their hair in every crack and crevice, illustrator Amanda Oleander perfectly captured the intimate times people don’t share online. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship or is currently in one can relate to these situations. We promise you will be nudging your partner, saying, “Look! This is so us!”. Make sure you read all the way to the end where you’ll see what the real couple that inspired these drawings looks like! 

1. Saturday Pancakes

After a long week of work, the weekend is always comforting because it is a much-needed break. There is nothing better than sleeping in on Saturday and enjoying a homemade breakfast with your partner. It’s even better when you wake up, and they are already cooking. 

Saturday Pancakes

Amanda Oleander

Not only is the house filled with the smell of pancakes, but it feels like a home filled with love. No matter what happened during the week, these moments make all those things slip away, and you just enjoy the company of your loved one. 

2. “Let Me Just Pop One”

“Oooh, you have a big pimple! Can I please pop it?” “Babe, you always make it so painful! “Just this one, I swear.” Those are the famous last words before his whole face is covered in red marks because you found some extra spots that you just had to pop. 

"Let Me Just Pop One"

Amanda Oleander

You know you have been dating for a while when you can be open about your pimple popping obsession, and they allow you to get your fix with their acne. They no longer need a dermatologist because you take care of any spot and bumb they have. If that isn’t true love, we don’t know what is. 

3. Feet Like Ice Blocks

If you have ever dated someone who has ice-cold feet, you will know the pain of getting into bed all warm and cozy, and suddenly they cuddle up to you, and it is like two ice packs on your legs.  Every other part of their body is warm except for their feet, which feel like blocks of ice. 

Feet Like Ice Blocks

Amanda Oleander

Whether it is you or your partner, whoever has the cold feet always uses the other person’s body to warm them up, and one person suffers until they are defrosted. No one wants to deny warmth to their partner because you love that person and want them to feel comfortable and loved. Ã—

4. New Kind Of Date Night

Date nights don’t always include fancy dinners and dressing up. Sometimes it’s simply sitting down for dinner together in comfy clothes and catching up on your favorite shows. Just having that time for the two of you makes it special and important for every relationship. 

New Kind Of Date Night

Amanda Oleander

With everything going on in the world, more date nights look like this these days because restaurants are closed, and people have to stay home. As long as you are spending time with the person you love, that is the only necessary factor for the evening. 

5. Couch Potatoes

Have you ever just spent the day with your significant other binging a new show on Netflix? By the end of the day, you probably feel like two couch potatoes, but you made unforgettable memories together. No matter how long or short you have been dating; those small things strengthen a relationship.

Couch Potatoes

Amanda Oleander

Who cares if you spend the whole day watching TV, it was worth it to cuddle up to the person you love and just enjoy their company. There is no right or wrong way to spend time with your significant other, as long as it makes you both happy. 

6. Lending A Helping Hand

Name something sexier than seeing your partner doing the dishes after you cooked dinner..we’ll wait. Having that healthy balance in a relationship is the best thing you can ask for because everything isn’t left for one person to do, and there isn’t an imbalance of power. 

Lending A Helping Hand

Amanda Oleander

Even though it is just a few dishes, it means a lot because you didn’t have to ask, and they did it out of the kindness of their heart. It feels good when someone cares enough to take the extra steps to make you smile. 

7. The Only Kind Of Games That Should Be Played

When people talk about playing games in a relationship, this should be the only thing they are referring to. There is no place for mind games when you love and care about someone. All you need is some Nintendo 64 time and a glass of wine to satisfy you and your partner. 

The Only Kind Of Games That Should Be Played

Amanda Oleander

Sitting down for a game night with some of the things that bring you back to your childhood is another way to connect with your partner. Who says you can’t unleash your inner child every once in a while to have a Mario Kart showdown. 

8. Hair…Hair Everywhere

After brushing your hair, it seems like it is on every surface of the bathroom, and your partner finds strands of hair every time they go in there. One second you are untangling your hair, and then next, your boyfriend is covered in a hair coat that doesn’t belong to him. 

Hair...Hair Everywhere

Amanda Oleander

No matter how long you have been dating, it is hard for him to get used to the amount of hair you shed in one brushing. He thought he was getting a girlfriend, but he actually got a shedding machine. You can make a matching hairstyle for him with all the hair from the floor. 

9. “Just One More Game..It Will Only Be A Few More Minutes”

Get a boyfriend, they said, it will be fun they said. It is great until your boyfriend starts playing video games with his friends and you can’t get him to take a break. It gets to the point where you physically have to drag him to bed because “one more game” turns into three extra hours. 

"Just One More Game..It Will Only Be A Few More Minutes"

Amanda Oleander

Sometimes you are in the mood, and they say it will only be a few minutes, but in the back of your mind, you know that’s not the case. Even when you try to entice them with a skimpy outfit, the video games hold onto their attention. That’s when it’s time to use the rolling chair to your advantage. 

10. “You’re Hot Then You’re Cold”

When you are freezing, but your boyfriend is sweating, so you agree to put on the air conditioning even though it already feels like Antarctica. You can try to curl up in a blanket, but it doesn’t really help. What is wrong with your boyfriend, and why is he sweating so much? 

"You're Hot Then You're Cold"

Amanda Oleander

He is probably wondering how you are freezing in the middle of July. When you live with a partner, the biggest compromise you have to make is who is in charge of the thermostat. No one ever wins this battle unless you agree to keep it at a specific temperature. 

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