9 Things You’re Doing That Could Be Damaging Your Hair

Hey there! If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and thought your hair just isn’t what it used to be, you’re not alone.


We often underestimate how our daily habits can impact the health of our locks. There are certain mistakes that we don’t even consider, and those mistakes can lead to severe hair loss and hair damage.

Let’s dive into nine common hair care mistakes you might be making—and how to fix them!


1. Over-washing Your Hair

We all know that keeping our hair clean is important, but did you know that washing it every single day might actually do more harm than good?


It’s a common habit, but it can lead to some serious issues like dryness and brittleness.

Here’s why.

When you wash your hair daily, you’re stripping away the natural oils produced by your scalp. These oils, known as sebum, are like a protective shield for your hair.

They help keep it moisturized and healthy, acting as a barrier against damage from the environment. So, when you wash them away too often, your hair can start to feel dry, frizzy, and lifeless.

Free Woman Washing Her Hair Stock Photo

Source: Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics

Think of it this way: our bodies produce oil for a reason! It helps maintain balance. So, if you’re shampooing every day, you’re disrupting that balance. It’s kind of like washing your skin too much.

You wouldn’t wash your face multiple times a day with harsh soap, right? It’s the same principle for your hair.

So, what can you do instead?

If you can manage it, try to limit your shampooing to just once or twice a week.

Yes, it might feel a bit strange at first if you’re used to washing daily, but your hair will thank you! On the days you don’t wash, you can still refresh your hair with a little dry shampoo or simply by styling it differently.

Adult taking care of their hair

Source: Freepik

If you have oily hair and feel like you need to wash it more often, consider using a gentle shampoo that’s designed for frequent use. That way, you’re not completely stripping your hair of its natural moisture.

It might take some time for your scalp to adjust to this new routine, but with a little patience, you’ll notice that your hair becomes softer, shinier, and much healthier overall. Plus, you’ll save time and effort in the long run!

In short, while cleanliness is key, moderation is just as important. Finding the right washing schedule for your hair type can make a world of difference. So, give it a try! Your hair will love you for it!

2. Stress Often Destroys Your Hair Health

Yes, you read right!

Stress affects your hair health just as it impacts your overall body.

When you’re under constant stress, your body reacts in several ways. One of those reactions can be thinning hair or even hair loss. It’s kind of like your body’s way of responding to the chaos. It’s not fair, right? You’re dealing with enough already, and then your hair starts to suffer too!

Free Adult Annoyed photo and picture

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

Now, we can’t control everything in our lives. Sometimes, things just don’t go our way, no matter how hard we try. But what we can control is how we respond to those challenges. Taking a moment to breathe and find calm in the storm can make a huge difference, not just for your mental well-being, but for your hair too.

Try to find healthy ways to cope with stress.

This could be through meditation, exercise, or even just taking a walk to clear your head. Finding activities that bring you joy or relaxation can help you manage stress better. And as a bonus, your hair will thank you for it!

Young beautiful woman doing yoga in nature

Source: Freepik/javi_indy

Think of it like this: when you take care of your mental health, you’re also taking care of your hair. It’s all connected! So the next time life throws a curveball your way, remember to take a deep breath. Prioritize your well-being. It might just help you avoid that stress-induced hair fallout!

In the end, being mindful about how you handle stress can lead to healthier, happier hair.

3. Tight Hairstyles

Wearing your hair pulled back tightly can actually do more harm than you might think. Sure, we all want our hairstyles to look neat and put together, but pulling your hair too tight can really damage the strands and the follicles at the roots. It’s like putting too much pressure on something delicate—it just doesn’t hold up well over time!

Smiling young girl is looking at camera by holding hair on white background

Source: Freepik/8photo

When you’re styling your hair, it can be tempting to make everything look perfect. But that extra tension can lead to breakage and even a condition known as traction alopecia, which is when hair falls out due to constant pulling. Ouch! Nobody wants that.

Now, we totally understand that sometimes you might not want hair in your face or just need it out of the way. That’s completely normal!

Instead of tight hairstyle you can choose, Loose ponytails, messy buns, or braids that aren’t too tight can give you that polished look without the risk of damaging your hair.

4. Avoid wearing Headbands

Headbands are definitely in style right now, and they can be a fun way to jazz up your look or cover up a bad hair day.

But here’s the thing—while they might seem like your best friend, they can cause some issues for your hair. I know, it’s a bit of a shocker!

When you wear headbands repeatedly, especially if they’re tight, they can create friction and pressure on your hair. This can lead to breakage around your hairline, particularly at the back of your head where the band sits. Over time, this can even cause hair to fall out, which is not what you want!

Funny spectacular girl posing. Indoor photo of ecstatic curly female model isolated.

Source: Freepik/lookstudio

So, while it’s tempting to throw on a cute headband every day, it’s important to be mindful of how often you do it.

Loose scarves, clips, or even just letting your hair down every now and then can give your strands a much-needed break from that constant pressure.

5. You Wash Your Hair Right Before Bedtime

It’s really tempting to wash your hair before bed, especially if you’re trying to freshen up after a long day. But here’s a little tip: try to avoid going to sleep with wet hair.

It might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually be pretty tough on your hair.

When your hair is wet, it’s at its most vulnerable state. This means it can break more easily. If you pull or tug on your wet hair after sleeping on it, you could stress the hair follicles, leading to breakage and frizz. Nobody wants that!

Woman drying hair with towel

Source: Freepik

Instead, give your hair a little time to dry before hitting the pillow. If you can, let it air dry for a while or use a gentle towel to absorb some of the moisture.

If you’re in a hurry, you could even use a blow dryer on a cool setting, just to get it to a safer level before bedtime.

6. Neglecting Your Diet

You know the saying, “You are what you eat”?

Well, when it comes to your hair, that couldn’t be more true!

What you put into your body plays a big role in how your hair looks and feels. If your diet is low in essential nutrients like iron and protein, it could lead to thinning hair.

Attractive girl in casual style eats a burger with coffee sitting on the summer terrace

Source: Freepik/pvproductions

So, what does this mean for you? It’s important to be mindful of what you’re eating. A balanced diet that includes plenty of iron and protein can help keep your hair strong and healthy.

Think of foods like lean meats, beans, nuts, leafy greens, and eggs. These are all packed with the nutrients your hair craves!

7. You Rub Your Hair Instead of Blotting It

We’re not saying you should ditch your towel entirely—it’s still super handy!

But if you’re rubbing your wet hair hard with it, you might be doing more harm than good. Rubbing can lead to breakage and frizz, which nobody wants.

Instead of giving your hair a vigorous rub, try a gentler approach. Just blot the wet areas with your towel. This way, you’re absorbing the moisture without putting too much stress on your strands. Think of it like giving your hair a little love rather than a rough treatment!

Free A woman in a bathtub with a towel on her head Stock Photo

Source: Pexels/Hardeep Singh

Also, avoid wrapping your hair too tightly in a towel. While it might seem convenient, that extra pressure can cause more breakage around your delicate hair follicles. So, when you get out of the shower, just gently squeeze out the excess water and let your hair air dry or style it as you like.

Taking these simple steps can really help keep your hair healthy and looking great.

8. Don’t Expose Your Hair to the Sun

If you’re planning to hit the beach or the pool, especially after bleaching or coloring your hair, you might want to think twice!

The afternoon sun can be harsh, and mixing it with saltwater or chlorine can really take a toll on your locks.

Smiling female laughing on seashore in sunshine

Source: Freepik

When you swim in the ocean, the salt can actually make your hair feel stiff and crunchy. It forms a tough film on your hair that can lead to breakage. Ouch!

And if you’re diving into a pool, the chlorine can cause serious damage too. It can strip away moisture, leaving your hair dry and frizzy. Not exactly the beach vibes you want, right?

Free Woman In Blue Bikini On Swimming Pool Stock Photo

Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

But don’t worry! There’s a simple way to protect your hair before you take that plunge. Consider applying argan oil to your strands before swimming. This magical oil acts like a barrier, helping to lock in moisture and shield your hair from those harsh elements. Plus, it adds a nice shine!

9. Heat Styling Abuse

To heat or not to heat? That’s a big question when it comes to hair care!

Blow-drying has become a go-to method for many of us, and while it’s super popular, it can actually be rough on your hair’s surface. The heat can strip away moisture and leave your hair feeling dry and damaged over time.

But don’t worry—there are plenty of alternatives!

One of the best options is to let your hair dry naturally whenever you can. It’s gentle and keeps your hair healthier in the long run. If you’re in a rush and need to use a blow dryer, that’s okay too! Just remember to keep the heat on a lower setting.

Free Woman Curling Another Woman's Hair Stock Photo

Source: Pexels/David Geib

Here’s the deal: using too much heat can lead to breakage and frizz, but using too little might leave your hair wet and unruly. So, finding that sweet spot is key!

Another great tip is to hold the blow dryer at a safe distance from your hair. This way, you can dry it without putting too much stress on those delicate strands.

In short, be mindful of how you’re using heat on your hair. It’s all about balance! By giving your hair a little TLC—whether that’s air-drying or adjusting your heat settings—you’ll keep it looking healthy and fabulous. Remember, sometimes less really is more when it comes to styling!

Things that we think are beneficial for us can sometimes be detrimental for us. You should only do what doesn’t hurt your pride and joy.