A hot lady meet a handsome young man

A sizzling girl meet a good-looking younger man in a pub, after some drinks and a little bit tipsy the new girl mentioned to the younger man,

“My mouth is sort of a loud speaker, my two melons are for tuning, left one is for tuning the channel AM or FM and my proper melon is for tuning bass and treble relying which mode you need.”

The younger man was aroused by the younger girl expression, and mentioned to the girl, “I don’t consider it.”

Younger girl mentioned, “You may attempt it if you’d like”.

Younger man mentioned, “OK come to my resort room and show it to me.”

They agreed and each holding fingers and headed for the resort room.

Upon getting into the room the younger girl undressed herself and shortly the younger man begin feeling the left melon for AM/FM fine-tuning.

After some time nothing occur.

He modified to the best melon and begin rubbing with larger strain.

Once more, nothing occurred.

The younger man quickly gave up and ask the girl, “Good day sweetie, after I’ve tuned your AM/FM and treble/bass melons there aren’t any response.”

The new girl replied, “You forgot to plug in your energy.”