A man was sitting at a bar enjoying

A person was sitting at a bar having fun with an after-work cocktail when an exceptionally attractive & lovely younger girl entered.

She was so placing that the person couldn’t take his eyes away from her.

The younger girl observed his overly-attentive stare & walked immediately towards him.

Earlier than he might supply his apologies for being so impolite, the younger girl stated to him, I’ll do something, completely something, that you really want me to do, regardless of how kinky, for $100 on one situation’.

Flabbergasted, the person requested what the situation was.

The younger girl replied, ‘It’s important to inform me what you need me to do in simply three phrases’.

The person thought-about her proposition for a second, withdrew his pockets from his pocket & slowly counted out 5 $20 payments, which he pressed into the younger girl’s hand.

He regarded deeply into her eyes & slowly, meaningfully stated Paint my home.