A sign on a restaurant window says

A sign on a restaurant window says

An indication on a restaurant window says “In case you order it and we don’t have it, you immediately win a million {dollars}”

A person strolling by notices the signal and walks within the restaurant and sits down on the desk with a smirk on his face.

The waiter asks what he might be having and the person says “I’ll have white rhinoceros stew please.”

The waiter comes out with a boiling sizzling bowl of precisely what the person ordered.

The person is taken abruptly, however he eats the stew and pays for his very costly meal. He leaves angrily.

The subsequent day he comes again and sits on the desk with a smirk on his face once more.

He tells the waiter “as we speak I’ll have bullet ants filled with dolphin meat.

” The waiter leaves and shortly comes again after a couple of minutes with precisely what the person ordered.

The person shocked once more eats his meal angrily, pays and leaves.

The subsequent day he comes again and sits on the desk and tells the waiter “as we speak I’ll have a lactating mermaid breast sandwich”

a couple of minutes go by and the waiter comes out holding two huge duffle luggage with the a million {dollars}.

The person overcome with pleasure says “I knew it! You dont have mermaid br**st!”

The waiter tells him politely “we even have it sir, it’s simply that we ran out of bread”