Mom has an outburst on Christmas when her parents 'disrespect' her adopted kids.

‘AITA for calling out my parents after they play​ed favorites on Christmas?​​​​​’


In this scenario, a 41-year-old woman, let’s call her Sarah, has three children: Jane (17), her biological daughter, and Rachel (16) and Dave (14), whom she adopted with her husband a couple of years ago. During Christmas, Sarah’s parents have a tradition where they ask each grandchild for a wishlist and then choose gifts accordingly.

On Christmas Day, Sarah noticed a stark difference in the gifts her parents gave each child. Jane received everything she had asked for on her wishlist, including multiple books and a replica Messi shirt. In contrast, Rachel and Dave received significantly fewer gifts: Rachel got a pair of Tiffany studs, and Dave received a single item, AirPods, despite having also wanted the Messi shirt.

Feeling that the disparity was unfair and possibly favoritism towards her biological child, Sarah confronted her parents about their gift-giving. She expressed her disappointment, suggesting that her parents might not see Rachel and Dave as equally deserving or part of the family in the same way they see Jane. This comment sparked a heated reaction from Sarah’s father, who accused her and her family of being greedy and ungrateful.

Sarah’s sister, witnessing the argument, later advised Sarah to seek outside perspective on whether her reaction was justified. Sarah’s husband supported her stance, agreeing that the difference in gifts was indeed unfair to Rachel and Dave.

In considering whether Sarah was in the wrong for her outburst, it appears that her frustration stemmed from a genuine concern about fairness and equality among her children, biological and adopted alike. While her choice of words may have been provocative, her underlying point about equal treatment for all her children seems justified. Whether Sarah should apologize hinges on how her comments were perceived by her parents and how willing she is to navigate this sensitive issue with them moving forward. The situation raises important questions about familial equality and sensitivity in gift-giving dynamics, particularly in blended or adoptive families.

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ihatethis77 writes:
