“AITA for telling my dad what my mom did with a pie at a grocery store?”

In a recent post, an 18-year-old woman recounted a troubling experience involving her mother at a grocery store. While shopping, her mother accidentally knocked a pie off the shelf, causing it to fall out of its container. Rather than informing a store employee, the mother put the pie back on the shelf, an action the daughter objected to, insisting it was wrong and should be reported. This disagreement escalated, with the mother growing increasingly angry and dismissive.

When they returned home, the daughter told her father about the incident, hoping it would help her mother see the error in her actions. However, this only led to more conflict. The mother sent a harsh text to her daughter, accusing her of betrayal and threatening to reveal personal secrets as retaliation. The daughter, deeply hurt and confused, questioned whether she was wrong for informing her father.


Following this incident, the daughter and mother barely spoke for two days. Eventually, the daughter attempted to address the situation, apologizing for telling her father but expressing how hurtful her mother’s response was. The conversation was initially unproductive, with the mother avoiding responsibility for her text message and focusing instead on her daughter’s perceived betrayal.

After some time, the mother sent a series of text apologies, acknowledging her anger and expressing regret for her harsh words. This led to a face-to-face apology where both parties cried and hugged, attempting to mend their relationship. They planned a lunch and movie outing as a step towards reconciliation, although the daughter remained cautious about fully trusting her mother again.

The post resonated with many readers, who provided support and advice. The daughter expressed gratitude for the feedback and shared that, despite the painful experience, she and her mother were working towards rebuilding their bond.

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What do you think? AITA? This is what top commenters had to say:

Senplis said:

BlabbyMatty said:

Two days after her original post, she shared this update: