“AITA for threatening to quit my job because my wife just randomly quit hers?”

In this scenario, the husband (35M) feels frustrated and marginalized due to his wife (33F) abruptly quitting her job after inheriting a substantial estate from her late father. The inheritance includes a rental property and a monthly trust payout that significantly exceeds their living expenses. Despite their combined finances going into a joint account, the wife has segregated her inheritance income into personal accounts and refuses to contribute to household expenses beyond occasional takeout meals.
The husband is upset by what he perceives as his wife’s selfishness and lack of financial partnership. He works in a job he dislikes, managing properties in North Dakota, while his wife, who previously worked in accounts payable, decided to quit because she no longer saw a need to work given her newfound financial security. This decision exacerbates his frustration, as he now feels burdened with all financial responsibilities, including mortgage payments for their home.
Their argument escalated to the point where the husband threatened to quit his job in protest, feeling that if his wife could quit hers due to financial freedom, he should also have that option. He questions the fairness of her financial decisions, such as purchasing a luxury car and dining out daily, which negatively affect his health due to dietary restrictions.
The wife justifies her actions by stating that her inheritance is separate and intended for her and their children’s benefit, not his. She believes her financial contributions through occasional takeout cover living expenses adequately, dismissing his concerns about future financial obligations like potential house upgrades or maintenance.
In summary, the husband feels marginalized and financially burdened despite contributing to household expenses and accommodating his wife’s new lifestyle choices. He perceives her actions as selfish and struggles with the disparity in financial freedom between them, leading to tension and threats of quitting his job as a form of protest.
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