Woman gets revenge on sister; 'You SKIP my WEDDING? This is what you GET!' AITA? UPDATED 2X

“AITAH for refusing to help my sister after she didn’t show up for my wedding?”


In a recent family dispute, a 29-year-old woman is grappling with the decision of whether to help her sister after a significant rift caused by her sister’s absence at the woman’s wedding. The 27-year-old sister, who was initially scheduled to be the maid of honor, failed to attend the wedding without any prior notice, leaving the bride devastated.

Despite a subsequent explanation involving a panic attack, the bride has struggled with lingering hurt over the incident. The situation has escalated with the sister now seeking financial and logistical support for her upcoming baby shower. The bride, still emotionally affected by the past, has chosen to decline the request for assistance, leading to accusations from her sister of being selfish and holding a grudge.

This disagreement has created a division within the family, with some members urging the bride to move past the hurt and support her sister, while others believe her feelings are valid.

In this context, the bride is left questioning whether her refusal to assist is justified or if she is indeed being unreasonable. The situation highlights the complexity of balancing personal grievances with familial obligations and the impact of past events on present relationships.

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Woman gets revenge on sister; 'You SKIP my WEDDING? This is what you GET!' AITA? UPDATED 2X
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