Funny Joke Confusion | Satibal

Funny Joke Confusion 1 - Funny Joke Confusion

A man stumbles via the entrance door of a bar, ambles as much as the bartender and orders a beer.

The bartender takes one have a look at the drunk and says, ”I’m sorry sir, however I can’t serve you… you’ve already had an excessive amount of to drink.”

The man swears and walks out of the bar.

5 minutes later the identical bloke comes flying via the aspect door of the bar, and yells for a beer.

Once more, the bartender says, ”I’m sorry, sir… however I can’t serve you… you’ve already had an excessive amount of to drink!”

Ten minutes later, the identical man comes barrel-assing via the again door of the bar, storms as much as the bartender, and calls for a beer.

The bartender seems to be sternly on the man and says, ”I’m actually sorry, sir, however you’ve had an excessive amount of to drink… you’re going to have to go away!”

The bloke seems to be quizzically on the bartender and says lastly, “My God, man… simply what number of bars do you’re employed at?”