Funny Joke ‣ Sleep In The Barn

Funny Joke Sleep In The Barn 1 - Funny Joke ‣ Sleep In The Barn

A lawyer and two associates, a Rabbi and a Hindu holy man, had automotive bother within the countryside and requested to spend the evening with a farmer.

The farmer mentioned, “There may be an issue. You see, I solely have room for 2 to sleep, one in every of you could sleep within the barn.”

“No drawback,” spoke the Rabbi. “My folks wandered within the desert for forty years. I’m humble sufficient to sleep within the barn for a night.” With that he departed to the barn and the others bedded down for the evening.

Moments later a knock was heard on the door. The farmer opened the door, and there stood the Rabbi from the barn. “What’s improper?” requested the farmer.

He replied, “I’m grateful to you, however I can’t sleep within the barn. There’s a pig within the barn and my religion believes that’s an unclean animal.”

His Hindu good friend agreed to swap locations with him. However a couple of minutes late the identical scene happens. There’s a knock on the door. “What’s improper, now?” the farmer requested.

The Hindu holy man replies, “I too am grateful in your serving to us out, however there’s a cow within the barn and in my nation cows are thought of sacred. I can’t sleep on holy floor!”

Properly, that leaves solely the lawyer to make the change. He grumbled and complained, however went out to the barn.

Moments later there was one other knock on the farmer’s door. Annoyed and drained, the farmer opened the door, and there stood the pig and the cow.