Funny Instagram Editing Mishaps


There are so many apps available today that help people edit their photos. Some people use them to enhance the colors or fix details, while others use them to change their appearance completely. There is pressure with social media to look a certain way, and some people take it to the extreme. We found hilariously ridiculous edited Instagram photos that you won’t believe people posted. 

Her Reflection Speaks The Truth

This girl wanted to show off this dress she tried on. She posted this picture and people noticed that her reflection looked much different than her body. 

Her Reflection Speaks The Truth

She forgot to take note that people would see her reflection. She looked good in the dress in the unedited part, so we don’t know why she had to change it. 

Why Clothes Look So Perfect On Instagram Models

Have you ever seen clothing in an advertisement, and then you go to try it on, and it looks completely different on you? 

Why Clothes Look So Perfect On Instagram Models

Well, models usually have the clothing pinned onto them like this, so the garment fits them perfectly when it is photographed. 

Something Happened To The Tennis Court

We don’t know why she thought this looked realistic, but no one is believing that this is a natural photo. 

Something Happened To The Tennis Court

You can see all the lines on the tennis court are wonky, and no one naturally looks like this. We are sure she was beautiful before the editing. 

She Drew On A Fake Piercing

Have you ever wanted to get a piercing but you didn’t know if it would look good on you? This girl found the perfect solution. 

She Drew On A Fake Piercing


She drew on a fake piercing with an app, and now she knows what she would look like with a lip stud. 

Her Face Is Used To Study Triginometry

Her chin is so sharp; it could be used to cut someone. This picture has been strongly edited so that her face looks extremely angular. 

Her Face Is Used To Study Triginometry

No matter what face shape you have, you are beautiful and do not need to edit it into a triangle. 

Is She A Light Bender?

She must have some special powers because she is able to bend light rays. The laws of physics don’t apply to Instagram posts. 

Is She A Light Bender?

She must have made an adjustment to her nose and didn’t realize that the ray of light wouldn’t look natural once it was bent. 

You Move Too Fast And The Snapchat Filter Stops Working

Have you ever tried a Snapchat filter and you move too fast so it disappears? This is what happened to this woman. 

You Move Too Fast And The Snapchat Filter Stops Working

She looks unrecognizable compared to the unfiltered picture, and it is too edited. 

What Happened To These People?

We don’t know what this couple looked like before they edited the photo, but it has to be better than the final result. 

What Happened To These People?


They look like they are cosplaying the corpse bride wearing matching Gucci with her husband. It is beyond fake. 

One Must Have Lost Some Air

This girl is known for editing her chest for her Instagram photos, and in this post, she forgot to edit one side. 

One Must Have Lost Some Air

The right side has been enlarged while the other side looks much smaller in comparison. 

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