Funny Instagram Editing Mishaps
Something Is Wrong With The Door Frame
The Kardashian/Jenner clan are always being called out for editing their photos. In this photo that Kylie Jenner posted, her fans noticed the door frame was slightly bent.

People are like detectives when it comes to finding the editing fails with Jenner’s photos.
Animations Or Real People
Have you ever wanted to know what you would look like as a Barbie doll? These girls have edited their faces so much that it looks like they photoshopped Barbie’s face onto theirs.

They were probably gorgeous before they did all this editing, and now they look fake.
When Your Feet Are Bigger Than Your Waist
We have never met anyone who has bigger feet than their waist. She doesn’t even look like a real person after all the editing she has done.

We are sure she looked perfectly normal before she made so many changes to the picture.
Facetuned To The Max
When you want to be a Bratz doll so bad that you edit all your photos to look like one. This is way too much facetune and editing.

She even changed the color of her eyes in the photos which make it look so unnatural.
The Restoration Of This Painting Revealed The Truth Behind It
It is hard to believe, but even in the 1500s, people were editing pictures of themselves. In this case, there was a portrait of Isabella De’ Medici, and after many centuries, it was restored.

When the artists were restoring this painting, they realized someone had painted over the original to make her look more beautiful. The before photo is what it looked like when they painted over the original, and the after is revealing what she actually looked like before it was painted over.
Armpit Remover
This deodorant is so powerful, it appears to remove your armpits or any indication that you have an armpit!

We understand that armpits aren’t the most flattering body part, but everyone has them, and they are not this smooth.
Instagram Vs. Reality
Did somebody say catfish? This man posted one picture on Instagram with filters, skin smoothing, and eye-brightening.

When people saw him on TV they couldn’t believe he was the same person who posted on Instagram.
Something Is Wrong With Those Stairs
When you see that the stairs have been stretched and deformed in a picture, you can tell a person edited their body. In this photo, there are other clues as well.

We would like to remind everyone that there is no need to make yourself look like this because everyone is beautiful the way they are.
Tagged Vs. Personal Instagram Post
When someone else posts a picture of you on Instagram, you usually cannot control the editing. This girl took the photo that someone posted of her and edited it to look much different.

She gave herself a smaller waist, larger eyes, and a thinner face. She doesn’t even look like herself anymore.
It Looks More Like A Painting Than Real Life
This picture looks more animated than real. She has smoothed out her skin so much that it looks computer-generated.

At this point, no one is going to believe people look like this, and it is better to be real and post unedited photos.
Queen Of The Catfish
This woman is the queen of editing her pictures to make herself look like a different person.

She went from being a soccer mom to her daughter in college. We don’t know how she did it, but she must be a wizard.