Mother clashes with friend’s mom over daughter’s use of family terms; 'You're a terrible parent.' AITA?

“AITA for telling another parent they’re wrong to blame my daughter and expect too much of me when their kid is in my home?”


In this scenario, there’s a conflict between two parents regarding the behavior and language used by their respective children during playdates. The parent posting the dilemma, whose daughter is friends with Lilah, feels unjustly blamed by Lilah’s mother for the language Lilah uses regarding her step and half-siblings. Despite explaining that her daughter isn’t the source of Lilah’s sentiments, the other parent insists that she should monitor and correct Lilah’s language during their interactions.

The parent posting the dilemma expresses frustration at being expected to constantly monitor and correct Lilah’s language during playdates. They argue that it’s unreasonable to hold them responsible for Lilah’s choice of words, especially since Lilah spends a significant amount of time at their house. The disagreement escalates when the other parent accuses them of negligence and asserts that they should play a more active role in correcting Lilah’s behavior.

Ultimately, tensions rise as both parents stand firm in their positions, with the other parent resorting to insults and accusations. The parent posting the dilemma questions whether they are in the wrong for refusing to accept blame and for rejecting the expectation to constantly monitor and correct Lilah’s language. However, they also express disbelief at the other parent’s demands, believing them to be unreasonable and overly demanding.

In summary, the dilemma presents a clash between two parents over their respective roles in monitoring and correcting the behavior and language of their children during playdates. While one parent feels unjustly blamed and overwhelmed by the other’s expectations, the other parent insists on a more proactive approach to addressing their child’s behavior.

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