'My BF of 7 years ghosted me out of the blue. A month later, he reappeared.' UPDATED

“My (24f) boyfriend (26m) of 7 years completely ghosted me out of the blue!”


In a distressing situation, a young woman is struggling to cope with the sudden and unexplained end of her 7-year relationship. Her partner, who abruptly cut off all communication and relocated without any explanation, has left her grappling with feelings of confusion and heartache. The mutual friend involved has also blocked her, intensifying her sense of abandonment and making it difficult for her to understand what went wrong.

Portrait of stressed young man packing his suitcase deciding what clothes bring on vacation thinking

Image credits: benzoix (not the actual photo)

Several individuals have shared their insights on how to handle such a painful breakup. One perspective suggests that no amount of cyber-stalking or pleading will provide the closure she seeks. The abruptness of the breakup and the lack of answers indicate that if her ex-partner truly wanted to offer closure, he would have done so. It is recommended that she focus on her own healing by seeking professional support, such as therapy, to rebuild her life and manage the emotional impact of the situation.

Another viewpoint highlights the importance of creating personal closure when it’s not possible to get it from the other person. This involves recognizing that the behavior of the ex-partner reflects more on him than on her. Understanding that his actions are a result of his own issues, rather than a reflection of her worth, can help shift the focus away from seeking answers and towards self-empowerment and recovery.

A third perspective recounts a similar experience where a long-term relationship ended abruptly without warning. In this case, the individual found solace and healing through therapy and support from friends. Engaging in personal hobbies and understanding that the breakup was a decision made by the ex-partner helped in moving forward. The emphasis is on self-care and recognizing that the issues were not a result of personal failure but rather a reflection of the partner’s actions.

Overall, these insights suggest that while the quest for closure is natural, focusing on personal healing and self-compassion is crucial. Therapy, support from loved ones, and self-reflection can aid in navigating the emotional aftermath of a sudden breakup and in rebuilding one’s life.

This is what top commenters had to say:

_WitchoftheWaste said:


Menestee1 said:
