Neighbor’s Children Uninvited to Daughter’s Birthday: Polite Escort Home Leads to Boundary Assertion

Life’s harsh truth is that not every party extends an invitation your way. It’s a lesson often learned later in life, but sometimes circumstances force it upon you earlier than expected. Case in point: a mother who found herself in the uncomfortable position of turning away uninvited neighbor kids from her daughter’s birthday bash. Not stopping there, she even had to escort their parents out when they attempted a second entrance with their children in tow. Cruel? That’s subjective, but it’s a reminder that not all doors open to everyone, regardless of age.

Despite the lackluster relationship, the neighbor still felt compelled to attend the birthday celebrations!

But apparently this party had a pretty tight guest list, because these kids were soon unceremoniously removed from the function!

The neighbors weren’t finished though, and returned AGAIN to interrupt the party.

OP stood her ground, and once again told them to hit the road…

What rationale would lead someone to think it wise to return to a house, this time with their entire family, after their kids were escorted back for showing up uninvited?
Reddit unanimously supported OP, asserting that nobody is entitled to an invitation, and simply showing up doesn’t grant automatic entry to the party, regardless of age.

This user advised against worrying about the letter, suggesting that it was they who had overstepped the boundaries, not OP.

But a select few thought OP should have at least gave them a cupcake, considering they were young kids.

However, they were in the minority, as many responded by affirming that OP was very polite in her interaction and simply wasn’t being a pushover.

Finally, this user said that they highly doubted the neighbors would want the rest of the neighborhood at their parties if the roles were reversed.

I just imagine a big burly bouncer with a clipboard telling two eight year olds “Sorry dude, you’re not on the list.”