Woman Refuses to Fund Boyfriend’s Plan to “Invent a New Color,” Sparks Heated Debate

An 24-year-old woman is sparring with her 29-year-old boyfriend after turning down his request for financial support for his “revolutionary” idea to “create a new color.” Even though she patiently explained to him that light spectrum limits what colors we can see, he said she was being “close minded” Then there is the $4,000 budget that will cover everything from art supplies to his lab coat, and a journey to the desert to “find himself” – leading her to wonder whether he is fully in this world.

He told her she wasn’t being a supportive partner and that she was ‘afraid of innovation’ when she refused to invest in the idea – $500 of her own savings for the less-than-appealing Post-It quote. His friends took his side and said she is stifling his creativity. It was even more horrible when he said that he ‘would not need her permission to use her card details in order to get the money’. And now she is uncertain as to whether not caving to his “vision” means she is unsupportive or he is just a practical person.

Most people rely on their romantic partner for support in any situation

Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)

But this woman just can’t get behind the “groundbreaking” idea that her boyfriend has suddenly become consumed with

Image credits: Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Navigating Financial Boundaries and Signs of Mental Health Concerns

There are two points to make here about relationships: some financial boundaries and the sighting of a flag with a mental health background. Supporting a partner in their dreams is great, but this should not be at the expense of one’s financial stability or emotional health. Now, this situation has different shades of meaning.

The Importance of Financial Boundaries in Relationships

Souring on the other hand is well and truly rooted in finance — stalking the world over in relationships, especially one where one partner only ever asks the potential mate for money for dubious or meaningless schemes. In this instance, the boyfriend expected his girlfriend to pay $4,000 to fund some ill-defined, scientifically dubious endeavour he wanted to pursue. When their financial expectations conflict with the other’s goals—for instance, one wants to save for grad school, but the other doesn’t—it is important to establish clear boundaries, financial relationship experts told Forbes.

She’s right not to pour money into his project, in fact, as an unemployed man, he shouldn’t be asking for money in the first place. Second, she suggested using her card without her consent which would have waved all red flags assuming to the contrary of trust that she will pay the credit card bill or not. Based on National Domestic Violence Hotline Having an access to partner’s financial resources that do not belong to person is criminal and related to the financial abuse as well. Relocating her money into a safe account is a sensible action protecting her autonomy.

Recognizing Potential Mental Health Concerns

These are signs of a narcissist, and the boyfriend — who professes that he is “revolutionizing human perception,” disregards logical explanations of his processes, and signaled his growing anger at what he perceived to be opposition — may hint at something besides artistic fervor. MSPs frequently remind us that periods of heightened self-esteem, excess energy, or ambitious plans can sometimes coincide with mania, or similar periods of depressed mental state. As per NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), these symptoms can be indicative of a larger mental health problem, particularly if they arise as a consequence of unemployment stress and discouragement [1].

The fact she approached him with concern about a mental health consultation is kind and wise. That said, starting this conversation can be a difficult task to navigate. Experts say the key is avoiding a judgmental tone—frame the conversation as coming from a place of care and concern. So beginning it with something like “hey, I’ve noticed that you seem really stressed recently and I’m worried about you” may be more comforting rather than accusatorial.

The Role of Support vs. Enabling

I think there is nothing more admirable then supporting your partner with their creativity and ambitions — but there is a fine line between encouragement and enabling. Encouragement can include emotional support and constructive feedback, whereas enabling can include ignoring red flags and indulging impractical or harmful behaviors. Thus, allowing the boyfriend’s scheme to go through could have put the woman under financial strain and effectively encouraged behavior that may need to be nipped in the bud, not funded.

Many readers sided with the woman and shared concerns about her boyfriend’s mental health

It is the boyfriend who is in the wrong here because he expects her to support his ridiculous idea when it is not going to work out especially his the woman has her own financial goals too. The creativity and innovation should be embraced, but keeping boundaries, and human treatment of one another is clearly a matter that is necessary to discuss foremost to potential mental health matters that need to be addressed. Her decision is at once responsible and caring, as she sensibly considers her financial footing—while also desiring to support her boyfriend without the extreme financial burden.