‘Where’s Josiah’s other mom?’ – Boy’s Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because She’s Dressed Down Today

Moms Thumb  e1705783046466 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

There’s nothing like the brutal honesty of a kid to knock you down a few pegs.

I can’t count how many times I’ve cringed in public at hearing “Mommy, why is he so old?” or “Daddy that man has a funny face!” Or the most dreaded, “Mommy is that woman pregnant?”

But when that trademark honesty is pointed towards their own parents, things can get downright cruel, as this Mom, @boymamatimes4, went to TikTok to share after learning her son’s friend had been saying he had two moms: “The Pretty Mom” and Her!

Check it out!

Moms SS 1 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

@boymamatimes4 starts her video after dropping her son off at preschool for the morning, but she says this morning she was approached by one of her son’s friends…

Moms SS 2 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

To her bewilderment, the boy walks up and asks her,

“Where’s Josiah’s other mom?”

Other mom? What was this kid talking about, especially when this user knew she was the one who dropped him off every day!

Moms SS 3 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

Now starting to get a little confused, she corrected the boy, reminding Josiah’s friend that her son only had one Mom, and that Mom was standing right in front of him!

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But to her shock, the boy responds:

“No he has two!”

“He has you, and then he has the pretty Mom, the one who picks him up from school everyday!”

Leaving her sitting there with a face I can only assume to look like:

 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

“Excuse me?? The Pretty Mom?”

She quickly realized “The Pretty Mom” was just her after some foundation and a brush through her hair!

Not exactly a glowing endorsement of her morning preschool drop-off glam, but hey at least the kid was honest!

Fellow Moms on TikTok could not stop laughing at her story, with many wanting to see “pretty mom” for themselves!

Moms Comment 1 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

Others were reminded of their own stories of being caught at a bad time.

Moms Comment 2 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

And finally this Mom thought the little kid was complimenting her in his own way.

Moms Comment 3 Wheres Josiahs other mom?   Boys Friend Thinks He Has Two Moms Because Shes Dressed Down Today

From the mouths of babes, right?

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!