1. Check On Their Health
Do not assume that your dog is bad just because they don’t listen to you or behave differently than usual. Instead, see how they’re doing. Your dog might be going to the bathroom inside because they have an upset stomach or a problem with their bladder. It’s possible that they don’t listen to you because they’re losing their hearing. We mentioned earlier that a quick trip to the vet is always a good idea.
2. Take Away Temptation
Get rid of temptation to give yourself and your dog the best chance of succeeding. Chewing on shoes is a common way for pets to get into trouble, so don’t let them happen. Instead, hide them or put them somewhere they can’t reach. It won’t solve why they’re disobeying, but it will help you feel better. The fastest way to get your dog to behave is to help it make beneficial choices.
3. Deploy Distraction
If you think your dog is going to do something bad, clap, click, or whistle to get their attention. Once you have it, give your dog lots of praise. This will make them choose the “right” thing to do when they want to bark, jump up, or do something else bad. This method is a useful way to keep from having to physically punish your dog, which can be upsetting for both of you.
4. Observe Discreetly
If you want to stop disrespect, it’s always better to stop it before it happens. Take the time to watch your dog (ideally without them knowing) and get to know their habits and patterns. If you know your dog well, it will be easier to stop them from doing something harmful before it happens.
5. Learn Their Weakness
One more excellent reason to watch your dog is to find out what their biggest weakness is. With this information, you can punish unacceptable behavior in a way that makes them really think about their choice. To your advantage, use what your dog doesn’t like about something, like a certain kind of dog food or a squeaky soccer ball. On the other hand, make sure to give your dog that same favorite treat when he behaves well. So if you ask Doggo to sit, be ready with his favorite money! Tip: Always keep treats in your pocket, because you never know when you need to give a prize. Also, keep in mind that consistency is critical when training a dog that won’t behave.