AITA (am I the a-hole) for not being able to pay for my parents mortgage?

In this situation, the person in question is clearly not the asshole (NTA) for refusing to financially support their parents’ mortgage. The individual grew up in a family that struggled financially, living in rented accommodations due to their father’s low-paying jobs and their mother’s choice not to work. Upon becoming financially independent and buying a house with their boyfriend in 2020, they made decisions based on their own financial capacity and future plans.
Despite their own responsibilities and financial constraints, the individual’s parents repeatedly pressured them to secure a mortgage for them, which the individual rightly declined due to the potential financial burden and their own limited resources. Instead, the parents opted to work more hours to qualify for their own mortgage, eventually buying a more expensive newly-built house. However, the parents continue to insist that their child should contribute financially, despite knowing the child’s financial situation.
Now, the parents expect the individual to contribute £600 per month towards their mortgage, a demand the individual cannot meet without significant financial strain. Despite explaining their financial constraints, the parents persist in guilt-tripping and making the individual feel responsible for their situation.
In conclusion, the individual is justified in their decision not to financially support their parents’ mortgage. They have their own financial obligations and limitations to consider, and should not be made to feel guilty for prioritizing their own financial stability. Therefore, they are not the asshole in this scenario.
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So what do our friends on the internet have to say about OP’s actions?
sneeky_seer says:

ColdstreamCapple writes:

pigeon888Â points out: