Woman is put on Spirit's 'do not fly' list, flight attendants say 'we're not dogs.'

‘AITA for arguing with Spirit flight attendants (FA)?’


In May, a traveler faced a series of frustrating experiences with Spirit Airlines flight attendants during their trip to the Dominican Republic. The passenger was required to take four flights due to a layover, and the trouble began on the final leg of the journey. A disagreement arose when a flight attendant insisted that the passenger’s fanny pack, containing valuable items like money, a passport, and phone, needed to be stowed under the seat before takeoff. Despite the passenger’s previous experiences on the other flights where no such issue had been raised, the flight attendant firmly declared it a safety concern, dismissing the passenger’s argument based on their background as a former ER nurse.

Free Flight Attendants on Aircraft Board Stock Photo

Image credits: Pew Nguyen (not the actual photo)

The situation escalated further when the passenger attempted to dispose of an empty soda bottle. The plane’s lack of proper storage for personal items caused the bottle to roll away multiple times. When the passenger got up to throw the bottle away, they were told to return to their seat by flight attendants, despite seeing other passengers being helped after takeoff. Frustration led the passenger to leave the bottle on the floor, prompting a stern reaction from the flight attendants. They not only required the passenger to pick up the bottle but also handed them a warning card about dangerous behavior, threatening to place them on a Do Not Fly list.

Despite these threats, the passenger later took another Spirit flight without any issues. This experience left them feeling that the flight attendants were enforcing inconsistent rules, leading them to question whether their actions were justified. While the passenger acknowledges the challenging nature of a flight attendant’s job, they believe that the rules enforced during their flight seemed arbitrary and unreasonable.

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Woman is put on Spirit's 'do not fly' list, flight attendants say 'we're not dogs.'