‘AITA for arguing with Spirit flight attendants (FA)?’
furiouspi8 writes:

jaydeeach writes:

The author, a former ER nurse, was traveling to the DR on Spirit and had a layover. On her last flight, the flight attendant (FA) argued that her fanny pack was a safety issue, and she needed to remove it and place it under the seat before takeoff. The FA denied the issue, stating that it was not her fault the other FAs weren’t doing their jobs. The author’s important items were not on the floor, so she decided to put them on the floor.
However, the FAs continued to shoo the author away due to the seatbelt sign still on. The author was frustrated and eventually dropped the bottle on the floor, but the FA chased her down and threatened to put her on the Do Not Fly list. The author believes that being an FA is a hard job, but they seem to be making up rules out of nowhere. The author’s experience highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the rules of flight attendants.
Well, it looks like the OP is TA. What would YOU have done in this situation?