Man calls his brother a 'bigot' when he won't let him hold his newborn nephew.

‘AITA for calling my brother a bigot for not letting me hold his newborn son?’


Family Dispute Over HIV Transmission Misconceptions

In a recent family dispute, a bisexual man faced an uncomfortable situation with his conservative brother regarding the safety of holding his newborn nephew. The brother, a chiropractor with strong conservative values, requested proof of recent HIV testing before permitting the interaction. This request sparked a heated discussion as the man felt it reflected underlying bias against him due to his LGBTQ+ identity.

The brother’s concerns were based on outdated and incorrect beliefs about HIV transmission. Despite presenting accurate information from credible sources such as the CDC, which confirms that HIV cannot be spread through casual contact or skin-to-skin interaction, the brother persisted in his fears. This misunderstanding and reluctance to accept modern medical knowledge led the man to express his frustration, highlighting what he perceived as both personal and religious biases.

Comments from observers of the situation suggest that the brother’s concerns stem from a broader issue of willful ignorance regarding HIV and LGBTQ+ issues. Some commentators noted that the brother’s approach seemed overly cautious and reflected a lack of understanding about current medical advancements. They also pointed out that concerns about vaccines and other health measures might indicate a broader pattern of misinformation and fearfulness.

Overall, the situation underscores the impact of outdated beliefs on family relationships and emphasizes the importance of accurate, science-based information in addressing health-related fears.

Let’s find out.

flakyburnt writes:


zippykoala writes:


Looks like OP is NTA. Any advice for him as he deals with his toxic brother?