Man calls GF 'disgusting' for complaining about her 'loser' 14yo daughter.

‘AITA for calling my girlfriend disgusting and telling her she should be ashamed when she was crying?’


In this situation, a 40-year-old man is grappling with his 38-year-old girlfriend’s reaction to her 14-year-old daughter’s life and interests. The girlfriend, who had been an athletic, popular high school student, was distressed because her daughter, who is also happy and well-adjusted, does not fit the same mold. The daughter, who is passionate about anime, Pokémon, and video games, and has a close-knit group of friends with similar interests, was described by her mother as a “dweeb” and a “loser” during her emotional outburst.

The girlfriend’s distress stemmed from her perception that her daughter was not the popular cheerleader or homecoming queen she had been. Despite the daughter’s positive social life and lack of significant issues, her mother wished she would fit a more conventional high school image. The man, deeply troubled by what he perceived as his girlfriend’s superficial and unkind views, reacted by calling her “disgusting” and telling her she should be ashamed of herself. He argued that her daughter’s happiness should be the primary concern, not whether she conforms to an outdated standard of popularity.

This confrontation led to tension between the couple, as the girlfriend felt hurt by the man’s harsh words and criticism. While the man believed his reaction was justified given the context, the girlfriend was upset because she felt her emotional moment was met with judgment rather than support. The situation highlights a clash in values and expectations, and raises questions about how to balance empathy with addressing problematic attitudes.

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