AITA for calling my sister sick and disgusting for taking a eulogy I wrote for our grandpa as her own



The author, a 22-year-old, was asked to speak on behalf of their grandfather, who passed away. Initially hesitant, the author put their efforts into writing a speech to honor their grandfather. They shared the speech with their family, but their mother decided to give it instead. The author was upset, but left the speech as it was.


The author’s sister took the speech, changing personal stories about their grandfather slightly. The author called her sick and disgusting for taking the speech and not writing her own. The author’s mom later criticized the author for being selfish and claiming it wasn’t her fault because she didn’t have time to write a speech. The author feels terrible for the situation and wonders if she should have changed the stories about her grandfather.

Well, looks like OP is NTA. Is sis a sociopath? What do YOU think?

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