“AITA for finding out who my cousin’s boyfriend really is?”

In this situation, the narrator, along with other concerned family members, discovered significant discrepancies in the background and claims of their cousin’s boyfriend. Initially impressed by his supposed credentials and background, the family grew wary of his grandiose stories and undertook some investigation, only to find out that none of his claims held true upon closer scrutiny.
Despite good intentions to protect their cousin from potential deceit or manipulation, their actions resulted in a fallout. They shared their findings with their aunt, who then informed the cousin, leading to anger and hurt feelings all around. The cousin and her boyfriend are now upset, feeling that they were not given a chance to reveal the truth on their own terms.
The narrator is conflicted, feeling guilty about uncovering the truth despite believing they were acting in the cousin’s best interest. The fallout has caused rifts within the family, with the cousin now siding with her boyfriend and blaming the family for interfering.
Reflecting on whether they were in the wrong for investigating, the narrator wonders if they should have ignored the red flags and allowed their cousin to discover the truth independently. They had aimed to protect her from potential harm but now question if their actions were justified.
Overall, the situation has left everyone involved feeling hurt and betrayed, with the narrator grappling with the consequences of their actions and their impact on family relationships.
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What do you think? AITA for this? This is what top commenters had to say:
asbestoswasframed said:

ElderberryOwn666 said: