Man feels guilty for exposing the truth about his uncle, wonders if he made a mistake.

‘AITA for getting my uncle in trouble and causing him to lose money?’


In this situation, the person is grappling with the aftermath of reporting their uncle to authorities for withholding the passport of a volunteer from overseas. The uncle, who is also the coordinator for these volunteers, refused to return the passport despite requests, prompting the person to involve law enforcement. This action resulted in significant consequences for the uncle, including hefty fines and the loss of his paid position within the church.

Family members have criticized the person for their decision, arguing that they acted too harshly and should have pursued other options before involving the police. They believe that the uncle would eventually have returned the passport and that the repercussions, including financial penalties and job loss, were excessive. Moreover, the family points out that the uncle has health issues that could make it difficult for him to find another job, adding to their concerns about the severity of the consequences.

Reflecting on the situation, the person is beginning to question whether their actions were justified. They wonder if they could have handled the matter differently and avoided the serious fallout that has affected their uncle’s livelihood. This introspection is driven by a sense of guilt and consideration for the uncle’s circumstances, despite their initial frustration with the church’s persistent attempts to re-engage them in religious activities.

Ultimately, the person finds themselves torn between the belief that they acted in the best interest of the volunteer and the feeling that the outcome may have been too severe for their uncle. They seek validation or criticism from others to determine whether they were in the wrong for their decisive actions.

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