'AITA for not caring about my husband enough during his hospital stay, resulting in divorce?'

“AITA for not caring about my husband enough during his hospital stay, resulting in divorce?”


The OP again responded:






The author, a 36-year-old woman, has been divorced from her ex-husband, 39-year-old, for not caring enough during their hospital stay. The couple moved to Arizona in 2017 after a car accident involving the ex-husband and two of the author’s children. The accident was not his fault, but the author’s ex-husband suffered critical injuries.

The author and her children were airlifted to a children’s hospital, where they spent 100 days in the hospital. The author is the full-time caregiver for their daughter, who is now quadriplegic and paralyzed from the chest down. They have four other children, and the author spent 100 days in the hospital with their daughter.

The author claims that the ex-husband lied about his job and gambling, and that he left for good in 2021. He later left for good after he went to work and sent her a text blaming her for everything. The author found out about his new girlfriend and slept with him as a payback for his obsession. The author believes that everyone deserved it and that the ex-husband is the asshole for abandoning his children, even the one he made with his girlfriend. They had a baby nine days before their divorce and got married 30 days later, but ended up divorced six months later.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

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