“AITA for not defending my BF when my brother asked him to leave?”

In this scenario, a 28-year-old woman, let’s call her Emma, faces a tense situation at a holiday dinner hosted by her older brother Paul and his wife Lily. Emma’s boyfriend, Ryan, is overly eager to help throughout the evening, despite repeated cues from Lily and Paul that his assistance is unnecessary and even intrusive.
Ryan’s behavior escalates from offering unsolicited advice to outright taking over tasks like chopping vegetables from Lily, who is legally blind but capable of handling herself. Despite Emma’s attempts to rein him in, Ryan persists in hovering and asserting his help, which causes discomfort and annoyance among the hosts.
Tensions peak when Ryan interrupts a playful game between Lily and her young nieces, correcting Lily’s guesses and disrupting the flow of the game. This final act prompts Paul to demand that Ryan leave, emphasizing that he cannot respect Lily’s autonomy despite her clear instructions and preferences.
Emma chooses not to defend Ryan against her brother’s decision, instead opting to gather their things and leave as requested. Ryan feels betrayed and angry at Emma for not standing up for him and believes Paul overreacted to his attempts to help.
Reflecting on the situation, Emma questions whether she should have defended Ryan more actively. However, the consensus among commentators is likely to lean towards Emma not being the asshole (NTA) in this situation. This is because Emma did try to manage Ryan’s behavior throughout the evening, reminding him multiple times to only assist when asked. She also respected her brother’s decision when he asked Ryan to leave, recognizing that Ryan’s actions were causing discomfort and disruption despite his good intentions.
Ultimately, the consensus would likely see Emma as navigating a challenging situation where her loyalty to her boyfriend clashed with her responsibility to respect her brother’s boundaries in his own home. The focus would be on the need for Ryan to reflect on his behavior and respect others’ autonomy and boundaries more clearly in future social situations.
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Here’s how people judged the situation:
jackieblueideas writes:

abovewater_fornow wrtes:

PeppermintMocha5Â writes: