Teenage girl won't let brother use the shower, says, 'someone has to discipline him.'

‘AITA for not letting my brother use the shower?’



In a challenging family dynamic, a 16-year-old and her 12-year-old brother are dealing with morning routine conflicts. The older sibling has a morning makeup routine, crucial for her self-care and mental health, which she follows to stay organized and on schedule. Her younger brother, however, prefers to shower every morning, a habit that often results in delays and issues with getting ready for school on time.

Despite the older sibling’s attempts to accommodate her brother’s needs by adjusting her schedule and offering solutions, the situation remains tense. The younger brother’s morning routine leads to him being late for the bus, missing breakfast, and requiring additional help with his lunch. His reluctance to adapt, such as considering night showers or using different facilities, exacerbates the problem.

The underlying issue appears to be a lack of support and structure from their father, who is responsible for managing the morning routine and should be stepping in to address these conflicts. The absence of their mother, who is infrequently present, adds to the stress and difficulties faced by the siblings. The older sibling is effectively managing multiple responsibilities that ideally should not fall on her shoulders, highlighting the need for more balanced support within the family.

In summary, the ongoing morning conflicts reflect a broader issue of family support and responsibility. The older sibling is trying to maintain her routine while accommodating her brother’s habits, but the lack of parental intervention is a key factor contributing to the stress and delays experienced each morning.

Let’s find out.

just123 writes:


kandyshopp writes:


almayag writes:


Well, looks like OP is NTA. Any advice for this poor girl?