“AITA for not letting my kids go on vacation with my ex because it’s my time with them.”


In this scenario, it seems like there’s a clash of priorities and emotions between divorced parents and their children caught in the middle. The father, who has 50/50 custody of the kids, is adamant about maintaining his scheduled time with them, as agreed upon in their custody arrangement. When the ex-husband proposed taking the kids on a family reunion to Disneyland during one of the father’s weeks, the father refused, citing his right to spend time with his children during his designated period.


While the father’s stance is rooted in his custody rights and the agreement he has with his ex-spouse, it’s evident that the children are feeling upset and caught in the middle of the conflict. The ex-husband’s decision to paint the father as the antagonist in the situation further complicates matters, leading to emotional distress for the children, who see their father’s refusal as denying them an opportunity to go to Disneyland.

Despite the father’s intentions to adhere to the custody agreement and spend quality time with his children, the fallout from his decision has caused rifts in his relationship with them. His insistence on maintaining his week without considering the children’s desires for the Disneyland trip may come across as inflexible and lacking empathy toward their wishes, especially considering it’s a rare family event.

In essence, while the father may be within his rights to stick to the custody agreement, the emotional impact on the children should also be taken into account. Finding a compromise that addresses both the father’s need for consistency in the custody schedule and the children’s desires for special occasions like family reunions could help alleviate tensions and foster healthier relationships between all parties involved. Effective communication and negotiation, rather than stubbornness, might lead to a more amicable resolution.

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12 days later, the OP returned with a short update.