Woman 'excludes' sister from vacation because of how she behaves while pregnant. AITA?

‘AITA for not wanting to go on vacation with my pregnant sister?’


In this situation, a 23-year-old woman, referred to as OP, has a camping vacation planned with her stepsister Eva and stepmom Anne. They are all outdoor enthusiasts and had planned activities like hiking and biking. The vacation is set for the spring, and OP is looking forward to an active trip.

OP’s sister Julie, who is 30 years old and seven months pregnant with her first child, asked to join the vacation. Julie is not typically outdoorsy and dislikes exercise. OP has previously taken Julie on hikes where she complained throughout and struggled to keep up, which led OP to believe that Julie’s presence would disrupt their planned activities.

OP expressed her concerns to Eva and Anne privately, feeling that Julie’s participation would mean accommodating her needs and potentially not being able to enjoy the activities they had planned. Eva and Anne disagreed with OP’s stance, believing she was being selfish and exclusionary towards Julie. OP then stated that if Julie were to come along, she wouldn’t go on the vacation herself.

Eva and Anne informed Julie about OP’s decision, which upset Julie. Julie accused OP of being judgmental and unsupportive, especially considering her pregnancy. She argued that OP shouldn’t prevent her from going on vacation just because she’s pregnant and that OP should show more empathy and support.

As a result, tensions have arisen among the sisters, with OP feeling justified in wanting to maintain the original plans for the vacation, while Julie and others see her stance as unfair and unkind, given Julie’s pregnancy. The conflict revolves around differing expectations of the vacation and concerns over accommodating Julie’s needs versus sticking to the originally planned activities.

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