Dad won't pay for family therapy after what his ex-wife did to their kids.

‘AITA For Refusing To Pay For Family Therapy Even Though I Agree That My Children And I Need it?’


Based on the details provided, the situation involving “John” (49m), his ex-wife “Mary” (52f), and their children “Lisa” (27f) and “Jack” (24m) is complex and emotionally charged. John feels betrayed by his children for believing Mary’s accusations of infidelity, which led to years of estrangement. Now that the truth has come to light and his children are suggesting family therapy to mend their relationship, John agreed but refused to pay for the sessions, insisting that they should prove their sincerity by covering the costs.

John’s refusal to pay for family therapy stems from his belief that he is the innocent party and feels wronged by his children’s previous actions. Despite his willingness to engage emotionally in repairing the relationship, he sees financial responsibility as a way for his children to demonstrate genuine commitment to reconciliation. His decision also reflects a lingering sense of hurt and mistrust towards Lisa and Jack, exacerbated by their continued close relationship with Mary.

From John’s perspective, his stance may be seen as a principled assertion of accountability and acknowledgment of the emotional toll caused by the estrangement. However, his approach could also be perceived by others as potentially punitive or placing conditions on what should ideally be a mutual effort to heal family wounds.

Ultimately, whether John is perceived as the asshole (AITA) in this situation hinges on individual perspectives regarding his refusal to pay for therapy. Some may sympathize with his position given the circumstances, while others might view it as an obstacle to genuine reconciliation. Understanding each party’s feelings and motivations will be crucial in navigating towards a resolution that fosters healing and understanding within the family.

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