“AITA for reporting a coworker to HR for trying to feed me?”

Based on the scenario described, the coworker (Peg) repeatedly ignored the clear and polite refusals from the original poster (OP) regarding food offerings, despite being informed of dietary restrictions and personal preferences. Despite numerous attempts by OP to decline Peg’s offerings, she persisted, escalating to the point where OP felt pressured and uncomfortable, even resorting to bringing the food home or having others consume it to avoid conflict.
When OP eventually confronted Peg about the issue, Peg responded insensitively and made inappropriate comments about OP’s appearance and personal life. This confrontation left OP feeling further upset and validated their discomfort with Peg’s actions. Despite attempts to resolve the issue informally with their boss, who minimized the concern, the situation persisted with Peg continuing to disregard OP’s boundaries.
Given the ongoing discomfort and the failure of informal attempts to address the issue, OP is now considering reporting Peg’s behavior to HR. The notes kept by OP detailing the frequency and nature of these incidents demonstrate a pattern of behavior that, while possibly well-intentioned from Peg’s perspective, has had a negative impact on OP’s well-being and comfort at work.
In conclusion, OP’s consideration of reporting Peg to HR is understandable given the repeated violations of personal boundaries and the insensitivity displayed by Peg when confronted about the issue. The decision to involve HR is a reasonable step to address a persistent workplace issue that has not been resolved through informal means.
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Before we give you OP’s updates, let’s take a look at some of the top responses:
moredinospeech writes:

realwheeatking writes:

sudewin writes:

nderhs writes:

OP’s update:

OP’s second update (trigger warning, tragedy):