‘AITA for shouting something ‘racy’ At our new years party and embarrassing my dad?’

Based on the situation described, the 17-year-old girl (let’s call her Sarah) confronted a tense family dynamic at their New Year’s party. Sarah, who is openly lesbian, faced dismissive and derogatory remarks from her father throughout the evening. He made insensitive comments about her sexuality, prompting Sarah to finally assert herself in a moment of frustration.
When her father continued to belittle her identity and argue with other family members, Sarah reached her breaking point. In response to his dismissiveness and use of derogatory language, she loudly declared her sexuality in front of everyone at the party, stating “I like boobies and I like women!” This outburst was met with laughter and support from some family members, notably her aunt and uncle, who defended her during the argument.
However, her father reacted poorly to Sarah’s declaration. He retreated to sulk in his room for the rest of the party and subsequently grew cold towards her. Sarah’s brother echoed some disapproval, suggesting her outburst was inappropriate. Her mother, who had previously been supportive but stayed quiet during the incident, did not intervene or offer guidance afterward.
In reflection, while Sarah’s outburst may have been seen as inappropriate by some, it was a direct response to her father’s ongoing dismissal of her identity and his use of hurtful language. The family dynamics appear strained, with differing levels of support and discomfort regarding Sarah’s sexuality. Ultimately, Sarah’s actions stemmed from frustration and a desire to be acknowledged and respected by her father, despite his disapproval.
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