“AITA for telling my husband he can make himself dinner and asking my mother to leave?”


In a tense dinner scenario, a woman faced criticism from both her husband and mother over her spaghetti recipe, which included a variety of chopped vegetables for added nutrition. Despite her efforts to defend her cooking, her husband and mother mocked the dish, claiming it was unconventional. The situation escalated as emotions ran high, exacerbated by the woman being five months pregnant. Frustrated by the disrespectful comments, she eventually asked her mother to leave and later withheld breadsticks from her husband, who had been dismissive and rude about the meal.


The conflict highlighted a clash of opinions on cooking practices and manners within the family. The woman, feeling hurt and undermined, defended her cooking choices but found little support from her guests. Her decision to ask her mother to leave stemmed from a sense of disrespect she felt as the host. Similarly, withholding breadsticks from her husband was a direct response to his insensitive behavior during the meal preparation.

Reflecting on the situation afterward, the woman acknowledged her emotional response and considered making adjustments to her recipe based on the feedback received. Despite the tension, she recognized that the incident, while upsetting, was unlikely to have lasting consequences on their relationships.

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